How Steady Is Profitability on Bitcoin Mining Hardware

Despite the cryptocurrency's wildly volatile toll and the increasing environmental concerns, Bitcoin mining is booming in North America. The country of Texas, in particular, has begun to emerge as an epicenter since Communist china banned the industry in 2021, sparking an exodus of miners from the country. The ban, which reportedly reduced People's republic of china's command of Bitcoin mining from near two-thirds of the global industry in April 2021 to zero in July 2021, has created a new opportunity for North American companies, particularly those in the energy manufacture, to become more familiar with Bitcoin mining and incorporate information technology into their business models.

For those unfamiliar with Bitcoin's inner workings, "mining" is how transactions are validated for a blockchain. It'south essentially a cryptographic competition to add together blocks, or records, to the cryptocurrency's always-expanding blockchain network. In substitution for this service, winning miners are paid in Bitcoin (BTC), which reached a tape price of more than than $68,000 in November 2021.

In the wake of the Chinese ban, companies based in North America, which include Riot Blockchain and Marathon Digital Holdings, are raising record amounts of capital every bit they ramp upward production and expand their industrial-scale operations. At the aforementioned time, Chinese companies accept joined what'southward been termed the Great Mining Migration to North America, investing in US facilities and constructing their own massive warehouses equipped with thousands of small computers designed specifically to mine a number of cryptocurrencies, the near pop of which is Bitcoin.

What I've learned from my feel conducting feasibility studies for Canada-based clients exploring this booming concern is that new entrants, specifically energy companies, are also moving into the sector in a material way through joint ventures and other partnerships. The cost of ability is one of the near meaning factors in cryptocurrency mining. That means companies with access to reliable, low-price electricity—particularly from renewable sources—have an opportunity to play a central role as the manufacture evolves in Northward America.

In this article, I offer insights into the fundamentals of Bitcoin mining, and evidence how to calculate the costs and the rewards, which can be immense. I besides accost the challenges of the industry, including questions around free energy usage and risks, similar the ever-evolving crypto regulatory environment.

Bitcoin Is Booming

Bitcoin has inspired thousands of cryptocurrencies since it launched in 2009, but in terms of value, information technology still stands alone. Despite the volatility of its cost, its monetary policy builds in a measure of stability by limiting mining to 21 one thousand thousand Bitcoins across a predefined schedule. Although there are almost xix 1000000 now in circulation, the reward for mining is periodically cut in half so that it will take until 2140 to frazzle production of Bitcoin.

While other crypto networks too manage supply, none accept been able to replicate Bitcoin's popularity. Every bit investors embraced the nugget class, Bitcoin's futures and exchange-traded funds became the first to exist introduced in regulated US and European markets. It before long appeared on the rest sheets of companies similar Tesla and Overstock. This demand helped push Bitcoin's market cap past $1 trillion in November 2021. By way of contrast, the second-most-pop cryptocurrency, Ethereum, reached only well-nigh half that value.

Bitcoin also stands out considering of the industrial-calibration mining operations, or farms, it has spawned. The largest crypto facilities with the well-nigh avant-garde engineering science are focused primarily or exclusively on Bitcoin, like the Genesis Mining farm, which consumes more electricity than any other visitor in Iceland. One of the biggest farms in North America is Anarchism Blockchain'southward Texas facility, which occupies three large warehouses on 100 acres of country containing sixty,000 mining computers focused merely on Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Mining Basics

At the root of every cryptocurrency is a blockchain, which is essentially an electronic ledger sustaining a continuously growing list of records. The blocks in the chain are basically files where data such as Bitcoin transactions are recorded, including which miner successfully created that particular block. Each block too includes a hash, a unique 64-digit hexadecimal value identifying it and its contents, every bit well as the hash of the previous block in the chain.

In order to win a cake in near cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin included, a miner has to exist the offset to guess a hash value equal to or lower than the i that Bitcoin generates for the transaction. As more miners compete, and more computing power is deployed, each miner's chance of coming in first is reduced—the electric current odds are i in the tens of trillions—helping ensure a pace for creating new blocks that is currently nigh one every 10 minutes.

This competition amidst miners also collectively secures the blockchain past allowing transactions and data to flow in what is known as a trustless manner, pregnant that an intermediary like a banking concern isn't required to ensure that a Bitcoin can't be spent twice. Instead, the difficulty of solving for the right hash and the fiscal reward for success create a secure consensus mechanism by making information technology too cost-ineffective for malicious users to hack.

The consensus machinery used by Bitcoin is known as proof of work, or Pw. Considering this algorithm ultimately relies on the collective power of thousands of computers, it's a particularly robust style to maintain a secure and decentralized network. Still, it has drawbacks. Most significantly, it's exceptionally free energy-intensive. As more than calculator power is used for mining, the amount of electricity required to both earn cryptocurrency and maintain the network rises.

Another cryptocurrencies, similar Ethereum, accept switched or are planning to switch to a different algorithm called proof of pale, or PoS. PoS doesn't require the aforementioned extensive, decentralized network of miners to back up its operations and is thus far less energy-intensive. While information technology's not as secure, its lesser free energy demands may make it easier and more price-effective for those blockchains to support a next generation of crypto applications like smart contracts, non-fungible tokens, and decentralized finance. Bitcoin, even so, has not announced any plans to transition to PoS.

Finally, as a office of Bitcoin's supply management organisation, the advantage for mining a block is set up to be cut in one-half, from 6.25 BTC per block mined afterward the most recent halving in May 2020 to 3.125 BTC in 2024. The electric current bullishness around mining, fifty-fifty in the face of that planned drib, says a lot about the profitability of the manufacture and the expectation that the original cryptocurrency will keep appreciating. It also reflects the fact that the and then-called hashrate, which measures the total number of hash guesses being computed at a given time in the network, plummeted when Chinese operators were forced to shutter in 2021. This created a huge opportunity for new miners. In December 2021, the hashrate was about 175 quintillion hashes—or 175 exahashes—per second (EH/s).

Bitcoin Mining Setup

The resources required for mining Bitcoin include:

  • At to the lowest degree 1 specialized computer (called an Application-specific Integrated Circuit or ASIC miner), which is specifically designed to compete for and support a particular cryptocurrency.
  • A reliable and inexpensive energy supply.
  • A dependable net connection.
  • A cooling infrastructure (whether you're mining at home or on a Bitcoin subcontract).
  • A calculator, software, and the technical skill to establish and monitor operations.

A home mining operation might consist of simply a calculator and a handful of ASIC miners.

This photo shows an ASIC miner. It's a white rectangular box with a large fan opening on the short end.
An ASIC miner is a specialized slice of hardware designed for mining a specific cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin. (iStock)

Solo hobbyists were largely responsible for Bitcoin'southward initial popularity, but they're at present more probable to bring together a virtual mining collective similar Slush Pool or AntPool in society to increase their odds of success.

Today's industry is more accurately represented past an industrial-scale mining farm containing thousands of ASIC miners housed in a warehouse or even a serial of warehouses.

Image of the inside of a large warehouse. Thousands of cryptocurrency miners are stacked in large metal racks three stories high.
An industrial Bitcoin mining operation in Moscow (iStock)

Whether y'all're setting up at abode or in a warehouse, the mining framework will be like, regardless of calibration.

You'll first need to larn an ASIC miner optimized for Bitcoin, such as ane produced by Bitmain or Whatsminer. New ASICs showtime at about $11,000, though older models can exist purchased secondhand for less. All else being equal, newer versions generate more terahashes per second, or TH/south—so the goal is to look for the newest and therefore well-nigh efficient ASIC you tin can beget.

The next priority is power, which is needed both to run and to absurd the ASICs. Given the relatively low overhead and variance in equipment costs, the price of electricity becomes the most significant cistron in calculating your bottom line. The University of Cambridge's Centre for Alternative Finance produces a global map that shows how the industry searched for cheap power after mining was banished from China, and how countries like the United states, Canada, and Russia saw pregnant increases in hashrates.

Then, of course, you will need to account for the cost to house and maintain your operation, keep it cool, connect it to a fast, reliable internet provider, and staff it if you don't programme to manage information technology yourself.

In terms of revenue, miners can expect to earn the cake reward and a transaction fee (the fee with which the network reimburses successful miners and incentivizes them to continue confirming transactions) if and when they win a block. Transaction fees can vary based on network weather and how much the transactor is willing to pay for expedited processing, but past the cease of 2021, the fees averaged about 0.125 BTC according to my analysis, or most 2% of the block reward.

Bitcoin Mining Economics

To illustrate the financial considerations involved in Bitcoin mining with a hypothetical example, let's look at the estimated costs and acquirement for mining one Bitcoin with 1 ASIC miner.

These tables represent typical costs and acquirement based on values from December 2021.

Table showing the cost assumptions: Cost of electricity - $0.05/kWh. Other costs, including mining pool fee, staffing, and internet costs - 20% of electricity cost. Sources: Author analysis,
Table showing network assumptions: Network hash rate - 175 EH/s, Reward per block - 6.250 BTC, Average transaction fee per block - 0.125 BTC, Total revenue per block - 6.375 BTC, Bitcoin issued per day - 918 BTC. Sources: Author analysis,,
Table showing ASIC assumptions: Make - Whatsminer, Model - M30S+, Hashrate - 100 TH/s, Power consumption - 3,400 W, Efficiency (J/TH) - 34, Retail price (December 2021) - $10,858, Life of ASIC - 2.5 years. Sources:,,

The model, then, looks like this:

Hashes required to mine one Bitcoin:

= Network hash rate * Seconds per 24-hour interval / Bitcoin mined per day (including fee)

= 175 EH/s * 86,400 seconds / 918 BTC = ~16,471 EH / BTC

Time taken for an ASIC miner to mine one Bitcoin:

= ~16,471 EH * x^6 / (100 Th/s * lx seconds * 60 minutes * 24 hours * 365 days) = ~5.22 years

Capital expenses (Capex):

  • Bitcoin mined per ASIC lifetime = ii.5 years / ~5.22 years = ~0.48 BTC
  • Effective price per Bitcoin = Price of ASIC miner / Bitcoins mined in its lifetime

= $10,858 / ~0.48 BTC = ~$22,684

Operational expenses (Opex):

  • Electricity cost per Bitcoin = Time required to mine one Bitcoin * Free energy consumption * Price = ~5.22 years * 365 days * 24 hours * 3,400 * $0.05 / 1,000 = ~$vii,778
  • Cooling and other overheads per Bitcoin = 20% of electricity cost = ~$one,556

Total cost of product per Bitcoin: = Capex + electricity + other Opex per Bitcoin

= ~$22,684 + ~$seven,778 + ~$one,556

= ~$32,018

Annotation: Totals have been rounded. Figures are approximate.

Thus, in our hypothetical operation, nosotros produced one Bitcoin with ane ASIC miner at a toll of roughly $32,000 over the class of 5 years.

What this model also demonstrates is the importance of calibration in order to earn dorsum the initial investment quickly. Breaking fifty-fifty promptly requires multiple machines, and anyone because investing should evaluate partnerships with existing players who already account for some of the hashrate in the network. If the miner is able to contribute its hashing power to a mining pool, these economics translate to a break-even period on the initial ASIC toll of roughly xvi-eighteen months, afterward which the miner tin reap profits for the remainder of the ASIC's life.

Bitcoin Mining Risks

No new venture is hazard-free, of course. Since miners are paid in Bitcoin, the price volatility is a major revenue risk. The operating risks include factors similar potential problems with internet connectivity, overheating ASICs, and system hacks—though given the size and security of the Bitcoin network, hacking risk remains low.

Tiptop of mind should be the availability and reliability of electricity. Because power is so fundamental to this operating model, miners need to wait very closely at the back-up of their supply. While Texas has emerged as a centre for the manufacture, there are significant questions about the vulnerability of its power filigree that potential investors should consider.

The regulatory environs likewise poses a potential risk, as miners in Prc and other countries accept been learning. Even countries that were previously welcoming to miners, such as Kazakhstan and Republic of iceland, have begun to curtail new and existing mining operations in order to manage demand on their energy grids. A number of U.s. land governments like Texas' accept embraced Bitcoin mining, with some going so far as to offer incentives to producers. Just the Usa federal government is paying closer attention to the industry now, with new taxation reporting requirements ready to begin in 2023 and heightened scrutiny from the Federal Reserve into crypto's risks to consumers, banks, and the overall financial system.

Considering crypto regulations in both the United states and around the globe are still very fluid, miners need to remain vigilant and lookout man for changes that could undermine their bottom lines.

Bitcoin mining's energy demands issue in another concern: the environmental touch of mining, which carries both upstanding and reputational risks. The crypto industry has been subject to withering criticism for its carbon footprint. The New York Times recently equated the total ability consumed by Bitcoin annually to what'southward used by Finland in one year. The fact is that even the virtually efficient Bitcoin mining operation takes roughly 155,000 kWh to mine one Bitcoin. By way of comparing, the average US household consumes about 900 kWh per month.

Climate is not a niche outcome whatever more. According to a recent Deloitte study, reducing carbon emissions is now essentially a universal priority, and brands are responding. In May 2021, Tesla, which had been a major investor in Bitcoin, announced it would append purchases using Bitcoin due to environmental concerns. The company has since said information technology would resume accepting Bitcoin once it could ostend that at least 50% of Bitcoin mining operations used renewable sources.

The crypto manufacture has begun to respond also. Many of the larger producers are committing to transitioning to renewable energy, either through direct purchases or by acquiring carbon credits. Companies such equally Peachy American Mining and Crusoe Energy have as well adult ways for mining farms to utilize power that would otherwise be wasted, like flared natural gas at oil fields, excess solar or air current power that can't be stored, or hydropower generated by overflows from dams. This strategy is but effective, of course, every bit long as crypto mining doesn't increase demand in the process.

Bitcoin Mining: A New Opportunity

While Bitcoin mining economics at scale are very attractive, producers must recognize their regulatory and environmental context. For new entrants similar power companies, incorporating Bitcoin mining into existing operations to better manage their own free energy output offers a unique opportunity to leverage public opinion in addition to excess resources.

The University of Cambridge institute that around forty% of Prisoner of war mining is already powered by renewable energy, merely the pressure is on to significantly increase this figure. Companies with environmentally conscious energy solutions tin can play an important role in doing so while also reaping meaning rewards.

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